Presentation Training and Coaching
1mins 19sec
Presentation Training and Coaching
Save it like Sully has years of experience working with clients throughout the world. We cater to each client’s unique training and coaching needs. This offering covers best practices for in-person, virtual, and hybrid presentation environments.
One-on-one Presentation Coaching
An interactive, professional, personalized, intense, high-value, and life-changing offering. We take the client’s presentation abilities to the next level.
Group Presentation Training Session
An interactive training session that introduces an effective presentation methodology, demonstration of innovative techniques, and best practices. Particular focus is on presentation organization, design, delivery, and preparation.
Customized presentation training and coaching services are also available. Contact Save it like Sully and have us create the right engagement for you and your organization.
Strategic Listening
1mins 14sec
Strategic Listening Training
Group Training Session
Listening is a critical part of the communication process. At Save it like Sully we offer a unique strategic listening training session for groups within your organization. The training goes beyond traditional active listening lessons and introduces innovative techniques and concepts for today’s business professionals.
Contact Save it like Sully and have us create the right strategic listening session for you and your organization.
Executive Coaching
Executive Coaching
One-on-one Executive Coaching
At Save it like Sully we offer a personalized executive coaching service that includes:
- Regularly scheduled meetings that focus on the four key aspects of the executive’s business life.
- Meeting the coaching needs of the individual.
- Friendly and results oriented accountability.
- Intelligent external perspective.
- 100% confidentiality.
- And so much more.
Contact Save it like Sully today for more information on this high-value executive coaching offering.
The Business Value of Diversity
1mins 10sec
The Business Value of Diversity Training
Better Diversity = Better Business
In today’s business world every leader is aware of the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion. At Save it like Sully we take that awareness to a new level. We offer a unique training session for senior leadership teams and Boards of Directors. The session focuses on the business value of diversity and arms attendees with a unique tool that makes every executive better.
Contact Save it like Sully today for more information on this high-value session.